
successfully manage change

Most strategies or projects fail because leaders fail to understand that organizations and processes do not change - it is people who change, one at a time.  Or, leaders do not have the right support in integrating or executing the management of change.

Similarly, mergers and family business transitions often fail because of lack of appreciation that changeover success requires thoughtfulness, and the application of established approaches.

Zahra is trained and fluent in Change Management - the practice of using processes, tools and techniques to manage the people side of change.

But, more importantly, she knows that methodologies need to be sensibly adapted to the spirit, size and capability of an organization, and mixed with care and intuitiveness.

Zahra will ensure you realize sustainable benefits of your strategy, programme, merger or family business transition, by not only using proven tools and approaches, but by applying her gifts, which are not found in customary consulting:

  1. Energising members of executive management, middle managers, and key individuals at the staff level to ensure they have the personal awareness, knowledge and tools to become leaders of change
  2. Identifying and developing workable plans of action to short circuit resistance to change
  3. Providing mentorship and advice, and continuously sensing and responding to the change process within, and unique to, your organization

Zahra delivers value to you by removing the blockages to individual and organizational change.